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CuraClean Technologies

We have a safe natural product called Hypochlorous Acid and Hypochlorous Spray Cleanser that are EPA Approved and, a safe but extremely effective solution.

The science dates to 1885. It was used in many applications including food preservation and disinfection, but the drawback, it was inherently unstable, which meant reduced shelf life.

Hypochlorous acid developed over millions of years of evolution by the human body, is perhaps the Most Effective, non-toxic, “biocide” known to modern medicine. In the body it is produced by the white cells (neutrophils) and is triggered by injury or invasion of pathogens. These studies show that Hypochlorous Acid, will kill or neutralize all of the following: bacteria of all kinds including very dangerous pathogens such as MRSA and other highly resistant forms, particularly found in hospitals, Nursing facilities and clinics; all known viruses including HIV, HPV, influenza, RNA types, regardless of mutation; all molds, funguses, Mycological substances, and hardened spores; and last but not least, the new class of neurodegenerative diseases known as Prions, which are nonliving manifestations consisting of rogue proteins and are invariably fatal…According to the National Institute of Health (NIH).

While the 120-year history of Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) has provided indisputable evidence of its efficacy in healing and use in disinfection, and over 500 peer-reviewed, published papers universally document significant beneficial properties. Only recently have there been breakthroughs in making it naturally stable while maintaining efficacy and shelf life of 2 years in a container.

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